My birthday

I woke up, poured myself a cup of coffee (which my wonderful husband made),

and looked out my front window to see white flakes falling.

My birthday present from God, a fresh snowfall.

I used to wish for snow for my birthday when I was a kid.

It was beautiful.


Then during what would normally be a long, frustrating trip to do major shopping.

The kids discovered the hot & ready counter which had corndogs and potato wedges.

Then just when things could have taken a turn for the worst,

we found the most amazing cereal a kid could ask for so into the cart it went.


I spent time with my kids; building LEGO emergency vehicles,

reading books (shout out to our local library), and snacking on that amazing find!

The end of the day brought a new love. I have lived in Illinois for 19 years now,

but until this year had never understood the pizza obsession.

When we moved to the Chicago area, we decided to find our favorite pizza place.

For my birthday, we had what has become my favorite deep dish pizza.


Laying in bed after a whole day of knowing it was my birthday,

I had the realization that I hadn’t even thought about how old I was.

No, this wasn’t a big year, but what I realized is that after a certain point in my life

I just quit thinking about my age unless I need it for something.

So I actually had to take a moment and figure out my age.

That never happened when I was a kid!

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