A Little Old, Hopefully a Lot New

Okay…way back seven years ago Marc and I made a wedding website to share moments along the way, give people helpful info, etc. When the wedding was over, I sort of archived that site into another site I was hoping to create wherein I would begin to tell the story of our lives. Well, point in fact, our lives got so busy figuring out blogging about them just lost its appeal. But somewhere in the back of my mind, eventually having a place to write was a desire of mine. Then when Hamilton was born (in a post labor haze and in full nesting phase) I thought, NOW, now is the time to start really blogging. But let’s face it, that was my postpartum OCD talking and the reality of my life was that that was not going to happen. So here we are after  years of pregnancy paranoia (yes, when pregnant i used to imagine crazy things…oh I want to tell you right now, but how about another day?) followed by postpartum anxiety & OCD, followed by pregna…well you get it. Rinse & repeat three times and it is 2015. I think this is the year I am going to do this (though I have thought that before). It might be the year. I hope it is the year, because starting to write.to tell story.to share love & joy.to reach out in the pain & sorrow.to connect my inner thoughts to something tangible. is something that has been a low but consistent hum inside of me for years. So here I go, wish me luck. Anything below this post was what random bits I did years ago that I don’t have the heart to destroy. Everything above is my new beginning. Come along and enjoy this ride with me.

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